• About Us
  • Vision Statement
  • Meet The Staff
  • Additional Learning Needs
  • Curriculum for Wales
  • Teaching and Learning
  • Clubs
  • Governors
  • Head Teacher Welcome


    Welcome to Woodlands Community Primary School. We hope that you will find this website useful, informative and easy to navigate.

    I have great pleasure in being the Head Teacher of Woodlands and working with such a dedicated and successful team of professionals.  All of the staff have the children’s best interests at the heart of everything they do. We pride ourselves on the exciting, highly effective, caring learning environment that we provide for all our children.

    Our aim is to ensure that we provide an education which enables all children to do the best they possibly can in primary school but also to prepare them for secondary school and the world of work. We recognise children as unique individuals with specific talents and needs and aim to provide rich and exciting experiences to promote an enduring love of learning and high levels of success for every child.

    We believe that children will learn most effectively when school and home work together in partnership. We also believe that children should play a part by taking responsibility for their own learning, hence our mission statement:

    ‘Learning to Thrive’

    Many visitors to the school comment on the vibrant atmosphere, the caring ethos and the warm welcome they receive. We hope you and your child will be very happy here.

    We operate an ‘Open Door Policy’. If you have any queries or concerns, please feel free to contact me or you can make an appointment to visit the school for a guided tour to see for yourself the rich learning experiences we provide for the children.

    Jaci Bates

    Head Teacher

    Click here to download our annual report to parents