• About Us
  • Vision Statement
  • Head Teacher Welcome
  • Meet The Staff
  • Additional Learning Needs
  • Curriculum for Wales
  • Teaching and Learning
  • Governors
  • Clubs


    At Woodlands we have a fantastic range of clubs for you to take part in throughout the school! Take a look at what we have to offer and come and ask a teacher in school if you wish to join their club!

    Afterschool Clubs in Autumn 2023

    Netball - Mrs Todd and Mrs Mapstone - Wednesday 3:15-4:15pm (Y4-6)

    Dance - Mrs Smith and Miss Chalmers - Thursdays 3:15-4pm (Y2-6)

    Rugby - Mr Gumm - Thursday 3:15-4pm (Y5/6)

    Football - Miss Grainger - Thursday 3:15-4pm (Y3-6)

    Welsh Club - Miss Flanagan and Miss Davies- Tuesday 3:15-4pm 

    Maths Club - Miss Preece and Mrs Sidnell - Tuesday 3:15-4:15pm (Y5/Y6)

    Eco Warriors - Mrs Dickerson - Wednesday 3:15-4pm

    Choir - Mrs B Todd - Thursday 3:15-4pm

    Gardening - Miss Wey - Thursday 3.15-4pm

    Lunchtime Clubs in Autumn 2023

    School Council - Mrs Cooper
    Digital Leaders - Mrs Kerton
    Criw Cymraeg - Mr Gumm
    Community Crew - Miss McGee
    Playtime and Lunchtime support groups - Mrs Sidnell